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0 reviews
Kass, J., Pinilla-Buitrago, G., Paz, A., Johnson, B., Grisales-Betancur, V., Meenan, S., Attali, D., Broennimann, O., Galante, P., Maitner, B., Owens, H., Varela, S., Aiello-Lammens, M., Merow, C., Blair, M., and Anderson, R.P.

Wallace is an R-based GUI application for ecological modeling that focuses on building, evaluating, and visualizing models of species niches and distributions. ...


DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06547

Last Update: 2023

Data analysis Species populations Terrestrial Marine Freshwater Birds Mammals Fishes Reptiles Amphibians Butterflies Macroinvertebrates Other Invertebrates

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Wallace is an R-based GUI application for ecological modeling that focuses on building, evaluating, and visualizing models of species niches and distributions.

Monitoring program(s) or initiative(s) using the tool:

Colombia BON

Contact person: Mary Blair
Contact e-mail:
Contact Organization: American Museum of Natural History
License: GPL-3
Technical Status: Finish and with constant technical support
Recommendation for its use: Wallace can be used to build, evaluate, visualize, and contribute species distribution models to monitoring databases. For example, BioModelos is a repository for species distribution models for Colombia’s BON. BioModelos bridges modeling and taxonomy experts by facilitating occurrence record curation, model editing, suitable ecological variable identification, and providing a model vetting process. BioModelos and Wallace are linked together for Colombia BON users, enabling them to leverage the expert knowledge available in BioModelos with the easy-to-use interface and expert modeling tools of Wallace. Registered users are able to import expert-verified occurrence records and range maps, and have the ability to push SDMs and further-refined range maps back to BioModelos.

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