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Indicators & Variables

BON in a Box provides a toolbox for countries and organizations to calculate variables and indicators using local and global data. It is not meant to provide ready-made global results.

The indicators and variables pipelines are contributed by the scientific community. A first set of pipelines come from Humboldt Institute in Colombia and QCBS in Quebec. There are more to come, and any further contributions are welcome.

Pipelines are powered by the BON in a Box pipeline engine. They can run with global data, local data, or a mix of both. In order to run a pipeline with local data, you will need an instance of the web platform on a computer or server that you contol. See the github repository for more details of the setup.

Below are examples indicators or EBVs that have a BON in a Box pipeline.

Genetic Diversity Indicator

Are populations maintaining
genetic diversity?

Red List Index

Is there recovery of threatened species?

Protected Connected Index

How much area is covered by well-connected protected areas?

Species Habitat Index

Are species losing or gaining habitat?

Species Distribution Models

Where are species likely to be?

Sampling Prioritization

Where should you sample to improve biodiversity knowledge?

Biodiversity Intactness Index

How much are species abundances changing?

Indicators and variables are powered by the BON in a Box Pipeline Engine.


If you wish to contribute your indicator or EBV code, please let us know at

The recommended method is to setup an instance of BON in a Box somewhere you can easily play with the script files, using the local or remote setup (see instructions on GitHub). You can create a branch or fork from the github repository to save your work. Make sure that the code is general, and will work when used with various parameters, such as in different regions around the globe. Once the integration of the new scripts or pipelines are complete, open a pull request to the pipelines repository. The pull request will be peer-reviewed before acceptation.