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Species Distribution Models

Species distributions are an important EBV in the ‘species populations’ class. Knowing where species are is essential for understanding biodiversity patterns and informing conservation efforts. However, less than 10% of the world is well sampled, and even the longest running and well-sampled biodiversity observation networks have substantial data gaps. Information on species occurrences is often sparse and heavily spatially and taxonomically biased, necessitating the need for species distribution models (SDMs) to fill these data gaps and provide a better, less biased idea of where species are. SDM outputs be used as key base layers for a wide variety of purposes including: creating maps for sampling prioritization, quantifying the impact of environmental stressors on species, mapping habitat suitability for at-risk species, mapping biodiversity hotspots across the landscape, identifying the locations of conservation priorities and protected area expansion, identifying sampling gaps and the needed locations of future sampling, and calculating a range of biodiversity indicators including the Species Habitat Index (SHI), the Species Protection Index (SPI)



SDMs predict where species are likely to occur based on a suite of environmental variables that are associated with known occurrences (Peterson, 2001; Elith and Leathwick, 2009). The MaxEnt pipeline pulls occurrences of the species of interest from GBIF and environmental raster layers from the GEO BON STAC catalog. Then, the pipeline cleans the GBIF data by only including one occurrence per pixel and removes collinearity between the environmental layers. Third, the pipeline creates a set of pseudo-absences (background points) and combines this with presences and the environmental predictors to create a dataset that is ready to be input into the SDM model. The pipeline runs the SDM on this data using the MaxEnt algorithm using the ENMeval R package (Kass et al. 2021). The MaxEnt SDM is run by 1) partitioning occurrence and background points into subsets for training and evaluation, 2) building the model with different algorithmic settings (model tuning), and 3) evaluating their performance (see package vignette). Lastly, the pipeline computes the 95% confidence interval using bootstrapping and cross validation techniques.

BON in a Box pipeline:

The BON in a Box pipeline allows you to run an SDM for a specific region and species (or multiple species) of interest. The pipeline has the following inputs:

The pipeline creates the following outputs:



Elith, J., & Leathwick, J. R. (2009). Species Distribution Models: Ecological Explanation and Prediction Across Space and Time. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 40(Volume 40, 2009), 677–697.

Kass JM, Muscarella R, Galante PJ, Bohl CL, Pinilla-Buitrago GE, Boria RA, Soley-Guardia M, Anderson RP (2021). “ENMeval 2.0: Redesigned for customizable and reproducible modeling of species’ niches and distributions.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(9), 1602-1608.

Peterson, A. T. (2001). Predicting Species’ Geographic Distributions Based on Ecological Niche Modeling. The Condor, 103(3), 599–605.