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1 reviews
Ken-ichi Ueda, Scott Loarie

iNaturalist is an global community of naturalists, scientists, and members of the public sharing over a million wildlife sightings to teach one another about the natural world while creating high quality citizen science data for science and conservation. The iNaturalist technology infrastructure and open source software is administered by the Calif ...


Last Update: 2020

Data reporting Data management Species populations Citizen Science Plants Mammals Reptiles Butterflies Other Invertebrates Birds Fishes Amphibians Macroinvertebrates

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iNaturalist is an global community of naturalists, scientists, and members of the public sharing over a million wildlife sightings to teach one another about the natural world while creating high quality citizen science data for science and conservation. The iNaturalist technology infrastructure and open source software is administered by the California Academy of Sciences as part of their mission to explore, explain, and sustain life on Earth. The iNaturalist Network is a framework for localizing the iNaturalist community on national scales. Such national focus can help make nature more accessible to the public and can help facilitate the availability of sensitive biodiversity data for regional science and conservation. The Network operates as a series of separate national scale branded gateways of the iNaturalist software locally configured and lead by partner organizations representing their nation. These gateways are connected with shared infrastructure that operates across the network.

Contact person: Ken-ichi Ueda
Contact e-mail:
Contact Organization: California Academy of Science
License: Free
Technical Status: Finish and with constant technical support
profile-image Feb 2020
Christian Langer
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