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National Biodiversity Information System of Mexico (SNIB)

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One of the main objectives of Conabio since its creation has been the collection, management, analysis and dissemination of information on our biological diversity. Such information is essential for decision-making regarding the use and conservation of biodiversity based on scientific knowledge. To compile, organize and distribute this information, ...


Last Update: 2008

Data reporting Data management Species populations Community composition Terrestrial Marine Freshwater

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One of the main objectives of Conabio since its creation has been the collection, management, analysis and dissemination of information on our biological diversity. Such information is essential for decision-making regarding the use and conservation of biodiversity based on scientific knowledge. To compile, organize and distribute this information, the National Biodiversity Information System (SNIB) of Mexico was established. There are many ways to build an SNIB. The Conabio adopted as an initial model a structure based on primary data (data as little interpreted as possible) in which the specimen (a copy protected in a biological scientific collection) constitutes the backbone of the system. So the integrating concept is the 'exemplary unit - scientific name - georeference - date' unit. The system can be seen in very different ways depending on the perspective of each user, since the specimens provide the link between different scales and geographic regions with the different ways of seeing a species, all accessible by the scientific name. The formation of Mexico's SNIB was divided into three main components: Information, analysis, modeling and dissemination.

Contact person: CONABIO
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Contact Organization: Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)

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