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Monitoreo del tapir de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

The monitoring of the tapirs Tapirus terrestris colombianus in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is carried out by members of the Kogi indigenous community that lives in the same territory as the tapir, through the sighting of tracks, tracks, seasons of use of camera traps and the site's ongoing monitoring of data produced from an individual's satellite telemetry for three months. Currently, a new diagnosis of the species is planned for the Sierra using new effective methods for locating individuals in known places with the presence of tapirs to carry out a census, as the first step in the design of the in-breeding program. situ of the species.

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y región ubicada entre el Río Ancho y el Río Palomino, Colombia.

Monitoring of the Tapir Tapirus terrestris colombianus in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and obtaining data on endemic animal species between the Palomino River and the Ancho River, La Guajira Colombia is the purpose as a central argument for the defense of biodiversity.

Comunicaciones directas con habitantes in situ, observaciones directas de rastros de dantas, temporadas de uso de cámaras trampa y un individuo con telemetría satelital por tres meses.