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BON in a Box
modeling tool

BON in a Box now offers an interactive tool
to calculate EBVs and Biodiversity Indicators

BON in a Box

Get access to the latest biodiversity observation design
data collection protocols, and data management,
analysis and reporting tools

BON in a Box

Register your monitoring project
to gain visibility on the web,
and find nearby projects

Genetic Diversity Indicator

Are populations maintaining
genetic diversity?

Red List Index

Is there recovery of threatened species?

Protected Connected Index

How much area is covered by well-connected protected areas?

Species Habitat Index

Are species losing or gaining habitat?

Species Distribution Models

Where are species likely to be?

Sampling Prioritization

Where should you sample to improve biodiversity knowledge?

Biodiversity Intactness Index

How much are species abundances changing?

Indicators and variables are powered by the BON in a Box Pipeline Engine.

Adequate Information about Biodiversity Changes and Threats

BON in a Box

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Contributing Organizations



Humboldt Institute




McGill University


Université de Sherbrooke


Université de Montréal


Concordia University








171 Tools

in total for building Global Biodiversity Observation System


in total for building Global Biodiversity Observation System

3366 Members

in total registered in the GEO BON network