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Colombian National Shark and Ray Sighting Program

Develop and implement a participatory mechanism for monitoring elasmobranch species in different marine areas of Colombia, which will provide efficient, reliable and low-cost basic information on the distribution, richness and abundance of these species, which will be the basis for management and conservation measures at the national level. What is the distribution and abundance of sharks and rays that can be sighted in the marine areas of the country? What are the abundant sites of sharks, rays and chimaeras in the Colombian coasts, and what is their behavior towards divers?

PNN Islas Corales del Rosario & San Bernardo, PNN Old Providence McBean Lagoon, SFF Malpelo, PNN Gorgona y PNN Tayrona

Toma de datos in situ de Tiburones y Rayas, revisión de información secundaria