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Integrated Illicit Crop Monitoring System

The system aims to determine the rate of change of illicit crops in Colombia since 1999, allowing the country to monitor and analyze the extent, dynamics and impact of illicit crops, the productivity, yield and prices of coca leaf and its derivatives and the socio-economic situation of growers, in order to support decision-making processes and institutional capacity with reliable and transparent information.


The system aims to determine the rate of change of illicit crops in Colombia since 1999, allowing the country to monitor and analyze the extent, dynamics and impact of illicit crops, productivity, yields and prices of coca leaf and its derivatives and the socio-economic situation of growers, in order to support decision-making processes and institutional capacity with reliable and transparent information.

Realizar el monitoreo de cultivos de coca en Colombia desde 1999 mediante el uso de interpretación de imágenes satelitales y verificación en campo. Entre los datos generados se muestra la pérdida o recuperación de bosques a nivel nacional y departamental.