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Poleka Kasué Mountain Observatory

Generate basic knowledge for the climatic, geological, hydrological, biotic and socioeconomic characterization in high mountain. Specifically in the lines of interest: i) Atmospheric stability; ii) Hydrological balance; iii) Ecosystems and vegetation; iv) Anthropic disturbances; v) Carbon capture and storage; vi) Climate Change Develop a monitoring strategy in the short and medium term to monitor hydrometeorological and ecosystem processes in high mountains. To propose strategies of adaptation to climate change in high mountain ecosystems that favor their conservation and provision of ecosystem services.

Parque nacional natural los Nevados (Caldas)

Monitoring of sites of interest (indicators of possible changes in climatic or ecosystem conditions), for example, wetlands, ecosystem transition sites. They are georeferenced and supported with photographs. Download of climatic information. Demarcation and characterization of vegetation plots, following the Braun-Blanquet methodology (for paramo vegetation). Population trends only. Participant choice based on scheme guidance

Poleka Kasué - Observatorio de Alta Montaña en Colombia. Universidad EIA. 2005 - 2023.