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Monitoring of water quality and hydrobiological groups in the Cucuana River, area of influence of the Cucuana hydroelectric plant.

Evaluation of six sampling stations, distributed in the area of influence of the Cucuana Hydroelectric Plant. The sampling points decreased in the altitudinal gradient from 2203 to 1461 m.s.n.m

Central Hidroeléctrica de Cucuana-Río Cucuana- Ronses Valles (Tolima)

Perifiton: The removal of the material adhering to different types of submerged substrates, filtering with a 23 micron phytoplankton conical net of mesh eye, was carried out. Zooplankton was carried out by filtering with a 56 micron mesh eye zooplankton conical net. In each of the sampling stations a transect of maximum 100 m2 was randomly selected. Atarraya and multihabitat network. population trends only. Participant choice based on scheme guidance. 2-10 sites