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Yemen Maritime Strategy Planning and development in Red Sea and Indian Ocean Feasibility study for fishing ports and Yemeni islands in the Red Sea

Fisheries is one of the essential economic elements and natural marine common denominators in the Republic of Yemen and the countries of the Indian Ocean region, which includes 23 countriesIORA, 2017, P.20, and the population is expected to be 2.27 million according to the 2017 census, and it occupies an area of about 20.5 million km2, and the area of the exclusive economic zone is about 28 million km2. The volume of fish production is about 21.8 million tons for the year 2018, at a global rate of 22. The volume of fish farming is about 16.7 million tons, at a value of 39 million dollars. Erick. 2021.p8. Many IORA countries play a major role in fish products, marine food security in international marine markets, and the marine trade index in fishing. Al-Bahri in general is positive except for some countries, including Yemen, in addition to the weak intra-OIC trade, which affected food security and external threats affecting fisheries. The weakness of the regional market

The study area and the Yemeni maritime field are located in the heart of the Indian Ocean and constitute the most important natural marine geostrategic characteristics of Yemen due to its connection and relationship with the elements of naval power, including human power and international markets. It overlooks the Indian Ocean in about 26 countries, and the population is about 2.65 billion. Almost a person is equivalent to 39 percent of the total population of the world, and it is characterized by the growth of population density, the differences and diversity in approaches and political systems and the multiplicity of cultures and economic policies Thean, 2018, P. 2040, and from a geostrategic perspective there are many blocs and geopolitical, economic and political alliances have a connection and interest in the Indian Ocean Zhu, 2019, P.205. The Indian Ocean constitutes the third largest ocean in the world. IORA and Yemeni maritime domain are located in the hea

The population increase in the Republic of Yemen is witnessing a significant growth, as the proportion of the population in the coastal governorates and at a distance of 100 km from the coast is about 65.5. Ahmed,2022, p.57. One of the justifications for the feasibility study is that the natural marine and human characteristics that are unique from other areas in the Yemeni marine location in the Red Sea are the gift of God from diversity of wealth. It is located in continental shelf areas and at medium and few depths along the Yemeni coast in the Red Sea, which is about 700 km, in addition to many Yemeni islands in the Red Sea, basins, and small bays, which constitute areas rich in fish. It required a marine development strategy for the fisheries sector and the marine islands through the Yemeni marine spatial planning procedure, which is known as the modern practical way to organize the use of the Yemeni marine field and the interrelationships between natural and human marine phen
