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Migratory Bird Monitoring and Conservation Program

To monitor birds at a regional level to help determine trends in the populations of migratory species and the relationships with their habitats, to answer questions on a broad scale, contributing in turn to generate information on the ecology and natural history of migratory and resident birds in Colombia. It has been carried out since 2003.


To monitor birds at a regional level to help determine trends in the populations of migratory species and the relationships with their habitats, to answer questions on a broad scale, contributing in turn to generate information on the ecology and natural history of migratory and resident birds in Colombia. It has been carried out since 2003.

Se desarrolló una red de monitoreo que cuenta con 27 estaciones de anillamiento desde el 2003, la cual cubre 4 regiones de Colombia: Andina, Pacífica, Caribe y Amazonía. Incluye un Sistema Nacional de Anillamiento de Aves. También recoge datos en asociación con otras entidades.