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Monitoring of aquatic birds in the Ciénaga Grande Santa Marta Ecoregion

The objective of the program is to contribute to the identification of important sites for bird conservation, identify priorities for conservation and research of local, regional and national biodiversity, contribute to knowledge about the status of the populations of these groups of birds, and provide inputs for the development of the conservation plan for shorebirds in Colombia What is the distribution and abundance of local and migratory wetland birds present in the two Protected Areas of the CGSM Ecoregion, in two periods corresponding to migration peaks?

SFF Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta y Vía Parque Isla de Salamanca (VIPIS), Magdalena, Colombia

Toma de datos in situ de poblaciones de aves locales y migratorias acuáticas en los ecosistemas de humedal. Distribución de aves acuáticas de la Ecorregión Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta. Construcción del plan de conservación para aves playeras en Colombia.

Monitoreo de aves acuáticas en la Ecorregion Cienaga Grande Santa Marta