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Monitoring of environmental conditions and structural and functional changes of plant communities and fishery resources during the rehabilitation of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta.

Evaluate the response to efforts and actions taken to rehabilitate the system after reaching an advanced state of environmental deterioration as a result of anthropogenic activities. The study began in 2010.

Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia

Evaluate the response to efforts and actions taken to rehabilitate the system after reaching an advanced state of environmental deterioration as a result of anthropogenic activities. The study began in 2010.

Se estableció una red de monitoreo a partir del año 2010 con 30 estaciones ubicadas en el área del complejo lagunar que evalúan los cambios en las condiciones ambientales y los cambios estructurales y funcionales de las comunidades vegetales y del recurso pesquero en función de los esfuerzos por la rehabilitación de la Ciénaga.