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Monitoring of water and carbon cycles in moorlands and high Andean forests as part of the INAP Pilot Project - High Mountain Component.

Construction of a baseline of knowledge on the natural cycles of water and carbon in the country's high mountain ecosystems, which allows us to know how they function and their vulnerability to the effects of climate change, as well as the anthropic activities that affect these cycles. The project began in 2007.

Ecosistemas de alta montaña, Colombia

Construction of a baseline of knowledge on the natural cycles of water and carbon in the country's high mountain ecosystems, which allows us to know how they function and their vulnerability to the effects of climate change, as well as the anthropic activities that affect these cycles. The project began in 2007.

Basado en un modelo conceptual se elaboraron los protocolos para el monitoreo de los ciclos de agua y carbono en los ecosistemas seleccionados. Se alimentó a partir de la información producida por las estaciones de monitoreo y los plots donde se realizaron mediciones periódicas. El primer monitoreo tuvo una duración de 3 años e inició en el año 2007.